In this Lighthouse Talk, Patrick Madrid explores the history of the persecution of the Catholic Church in 1920s Mexico. He recounts the sufferings and martyrdom that thousands of Catholics endured to defend their religious freedom during the Cristero War.
This CD is also available in Spanish: Ataque a la Libertad Religiosa, here.
Patrick Madridaudio=LH19_5.mp3
Reviews (42)
The clarification on historic events in Mexico
The clarification on historic events in Mexico
Inspirational...a little scary in the parrallels that we are seeing in our own country right now.
I had never heard about the fight for the faith in Mexico prior to this cd
I had never heard about the fight for the faith in Mexico prior to this cd. This cd shows what all of us might be called to do to proclaim our faith in God. Our faith cannot be passive,but alive. We must be willing to lay our lives down for God if necessary,to proclaim our love for him. Many people through out the world are being martyred in our own time and their stories need to be told!!